What habits have been changed by wearing masks, one meter of noodles and appointment system?

发布时间:2020-06-04 浏览:64次

Serving of individual dishes, wearing a mask, "one meter line", dining system, booking system, online consumption, and resisting wild animal consumption became popular.

What habits have the epidemic changed

What is your novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak? According to a previous survey conducted by China Youth Daily, 98% of respondents said they paid more attention to personal hygiene. Serving of individual dishes, wearing masks, eating venison, and playing games were the first choice. Most respondents said that they would continue to maintain these habits after the epidemic.

Habits need to be cultivated. It's not easy to form good habits. Many experts and interviewees said that good habits should be maintained. The common sense of public health, life and social habits formed in the anti epidemic campaign can be upgraded to universal norms of behavior, condensed into governance wisdom of modern society, and truly become a common way of life and civilized behavior of citizens.

Prevention requires conscious behavior

During the period of going out wearing masks, not gathering, keeping a social distance of 1m, using chopsticks and spoons, washing hands frequently at home, and paying attention to disinfection and epidemic prevention, these were originally rigid epidemic prevention and control requirements, which are becoming more and more people's conscious behavior and daily life habits.

Who research shows that 60% of the factors affecting health are related to lifestyle and behavior. Good living habits and behaviors make people healthier physically and mentally. Because of the epidemic, people prefer to have good health and develop good habits so that people can learn to cherish the present happiness. "Shuman, executive vice president of the Institute of psychological quality education of East China Jiaotong University, said that experiencing the happiness brought by good habits will make people have an exciting psychology, enhance their self-confidence, and strengthen their next behavior. In social psychology, this kind of psychological phenomenon is called "habit reinforcement effect".


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