
No need to wear masks at work and school! But to meet these conditions

Time:2020-06-04 Click:115

Recently, the national health and Health Commission issued a detailed classification of how the public wear masks in the recent epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work, especially for guidance on whether the public wear masks in different scenes.

According to the requirements, the guidelines for scientific wearing of masks by the public (Revised Version) are applicable to low-risk areas, and the original guidelines are still applied to medium and high-risk areas.

Office space and workshop personnel: ensure effective ventilation and air exchange. No need to wear masks when the working post staff keep a safe distance of more than 1 m.

Service personnel in public places (such as shop, public transport, restaurant, canteen, hotel, community import and export, enterprise front desk and other places): wear disposable medical masks or medical surgical masks.

Kindergarten staff: due to the special physiological characteristics of children, it is not recommended to wear masks. Teachers, duty personnel, cleaners, canteens and other staff of kindergartens shall wear disposable medical masks or surgical masks.

Primary and secondary school personnel: disposable medical masks or surgical masks shall be kept with them. In the campus, students and teachers do not need to wear masks; service personnel such as school staff, cleaning personnel and canteen staff wear disposable medical masks or surgical masks.

Personnel of colleges and Universities: under the condition of effective ventilation and maintaining a safe distance of more than 1 m, teachers and students do not need to wear masks; when they are closed, crowded or in close contact with others (less than or equal to 1 m), they need to wear masks; service personnel such as school entrance and exit attendants, cleaners and canteen staff wear disposable medical masks or surgical outlets Cover.

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